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In: Lisa Duffee

Lisa Duffee, Texas Divorce Attorney, featured in Dallas Modern Luxury Magazine
Divorce Myths Debunked- Lisa Duffee in Modern Luxury Dallas
July 8, 2021

As seen in July 2021 Modern Luxury Dallas

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Power Player- Lisa Duffee
May 27, 2021

Hot off the press: Modern Luxury Dallas’s interview with Power Player Lisa Duffee! June issue. 📷: Thomas Garza    …

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Legal Implications Associated with Livestreamed Proceedings
October 27, 2020

Legal Implications Associated with Livestreamed Proceedings After the COVID-19 pandemic reached Texas, courts were among the first agencies to limit public... Read More
Am I Eligible for Any of My Ex-Spouse’s Social Security Benefits?
September 22, 2020

By: Lisa Greenwood Duffee Understanding retirement benefits as part of the divorce process can be in increasingly difficult.   Many people are…

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